Reference Listing

The companies stated hereunder, have presently or have in the past received a Kosher Certification for their company and / or product under the supervision of KCS.

Factory Country Products
Brökelmann & Co. Germany Crude and Refined Oils
Bressmer & Francke GmbH Germany Vegetable Oils
Frutarom Switzerland Ltd. Switzerland Fruit Compounds
Zamek Nahrungsmittel Dresden GmbH Germany Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Yavuz Gida san. Ve Ticaret Ltd. Turkey Hazelnuts
Waissel’s Ltd. Great Brittain Gourmet Thins
B. Schmerling Switzerland Cheese and Liquors
Tate and Lyle Italy Italy Starch Compounds
Black & Green – Premium Teas Germany Tea
Sofinol S.A. Switzerland Specialty Oils
Aroma Rise Romania Flavour Chemicals
Biosearch S.A. Spain Fish Oils
NCH Great Brittain Chem-Aqua Range
Mythen Diaspa TM Italy Concentrate 302
Jimmy Products B.V. The Netherlands Popcorn
Ingrema AG Switzerland Starch Compounds
Hydro X A/S Denmark Boiler Water Conditioner
Hochdorf Nutricare Ltd. Switzerland Viogerm , Crisp Piccolo
Hans Kasper AG Switzerland Caramelpaste
Tate and Lyle – Germany Germany Stabilising Solutions
Pioneer Food Cannery Ghana Tuna
Mondat Bakers – S.L. Spain Bread Products
Borregaard Schweiz AG Switzerland Cellulose Products
Bio-Familia AG Switzerland Müesli Products
FB Food GmbH Germany Rice Crispies
Hammermüle GmbH Germany Gluten Free Bread Products
Cultech Ltd. United Kingdom Food Supplements
Tiffin Kay BvbA Belgium Meat / Fish
A.v.Wees distillery “De Ooievaar “ The Netherlands Jenever and Liquors
Urker Zalmhuys The Netherlands Smoked Salmon
De Kroes The Netherlands Producer of meals, snacks and meat delicatessen
Danisco France Cheese and Yoghurt Cultures
Hechsherim Lemhadrin Israel Yoghurt Culture
Ozgun Turkey Hazelnut Products
Indian Ocean Seychelles Tuna
Milkstar U.K. Tuna
Cosmo Seafoods Ghana Tuna
Natexol Spain Paprika / Paprika Powder
Halpern Ltd. U.K. Grapejuice
Van Meines The Netherlands Fish Products
Zalmrokerij Smoking The Netherlands Smoked Salmon
Fardem The Netherlands Packaging Material
De Viskeuken The Netherlands Fish Products
Marcus Amsterdam The Netherlands Butcher
Gustino Foods Parma – Italy Producer of Meat Products
Oriental Tongxiang Qingdao – China Food Industry
L.G. Global GmbH. Basel – Switzerland Kosher Shechite
Anhalt Logistics GmbH Duisburg – Germany Logistic Transports
Golan Restaurant Amsterdam – The Netherlands Restaurant
Van den Burg Eggproducts B.V. Waalwijk – The Netherlands Production Kosher Eggwhite Powder
Ocean Products Vietnam Vietnam Tuna Oil
International Food Corp. Papua New Guinea Mackerel, Tuna Fish Oil, Fish Meal
Kündig Nahrungmittel Germany Food Ingredients
T.C. Union Agrotech Co. Thailand Tuna Oil
Mazinza Industrial S.A. Mexico Tuna Oil
Novosana Co. Ltd. China Fish Oil
Nutravitality Ltd. United Kingdom Biocare Products
P.T. Pahala Indonesia Fish Oil
Emirates Macaroni Factory United Arab Emirates Pasta
Brasserie Saint-Omer France beer
Brasserie Goudale France Beer
Colpex S.A.C Peru Fishoil
Noce Vita U.S.A. Hazelnut products
IFF France Lactic Cultures
Novosana China Algae Oil
Brata Germany Breadcrumbs
Thai union Thailand Fishoil
Winclove The Netherlands Probiotics
Mokum Cigars The Netherlands Cigars
West Ranga Fishing Lodge Iceland Salmon Fishing Arrangements